co-curricular: sport

Specific Sporting Programs

We have highly experienced coaching staff for our specific sporting programs who inspire our students to greater heights through their sporting expertise and knowledge.

swimming & aquatics





Trinity has a proud history of success and participation in the sport of swimming. The Trinity Swimming Program caters for all levels of swimmers and operates within the following structure:

The Trinity Aquatic Club provides an opportunity for students of all abilities to actively participate in competition and quality training via the club pathway. Trinity students, non – Trinity students and adults are welcome to join the club to reap the benefits of dedicated coaching, an excellent team atmosphere and very supportive club families.


To get directly in contact with the Trinity Aquatic centre, please email:


To enrol into the Trinity Aquatics club, and for further information on the Trinity Swimming Program, please click the button BELOW for an overview of the program (with costs).



Rowing at Trinity Lutheran College has a strong and successful history; with great levels of participation, success and team work on display over many years. Rowing provides students with an opportunity to develop and enhance character, leadership and resilience; pertinent skills for success across all spheres of life.

The Trinity Rowing Program operates throughout all four terms, with students afforded the opportunity to train and compete in local regattas (GCRASRA) and away regattas (Regional, State and National events). Students of all levels of ability and interest are welcome to join, with Learn to Row offered in term 4 for new rowers.


Selected students have the opportunity of being exposed to expert coaching and quality training in the sports of water polo and tennis.

The Tennis Development Squad targets our aspiring players as they undertake 90 minutes of quality tennis training each Wednesday morning under the expert eye of Tennis Plus coaching staff. These sessions focus on skill refinement and game play in preparation for the APS Tennis Season and other school–based competitions.

The Water Polo Development Program started at Trinity Lutheran College in 2016 and features Rio Olympian and special guest coach, Kelsey Wakefield. These sessions operate in school time and are part of individual students weekly timetable.

The Velocitas Sport Program provides an opportunity for students in Year 6 to 12 to be exposed to contemporary sport practices with respect to their relevant sport. Students engage in excursions (for example: Queensland Academy of Sport), guest lectures (for example: Olympian – Kerryn McMaster), seminars (for example: Goal setting) and general pastoral care. An application process is initiated at the start of Term 1 each year, with any student eligible to apply.


Trinity students have the opportunity to have all their fitness needs meet in one place. This entails strength (gym), stamina (cross country) and speed. These fitness components are integral to not only cross country and athletics; but also all sports within the Trinity sports program. The gym is open 5 days a week under the expert watch of college staff member Mr Luke Ryan. His programs are tailored to suit the age, experience, sport and needs of the student. Cross Country training is offered across the week with the prime focus of developing aerobic endurance; an important backbone to any sports program. Our F.A.S.T program (Foot Speed + Agility + Speed Training) complements our Cross Country program and students have the opportunity to ‘get faster’ for their court or field – based sports. The F.A.S.T program blends into sprint training for the athletics season.