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The quality of a Trinity education is largely dependent upon the quality of our staff. We aim to recruit high quality people and look after them well.
The quality of a Trinity education is largely dependent upon the quality of our staff. We aim to recruit high quality people and look after them well.
Trinity Lutheran College is an equal opportunity employer. The College offers employment opportunities to people with a variety of skills and expertise and who demonstrate the determination and enthusiasm to make our collaborative learning environment a success. We employ some of the top teachers in Queensland and there is a strong feeling of community between our teaching and non-teaching staff, all of whom are committed to the welfare of our students.
MR IAN HORCHNER | B.Teach (Primary) B.Ed (Primary)
Interim Head of Campus - Early and Junior Years
Please complete the tour booking form below and our registrar will be in contact with you to set up a suitable date and time for your tour.
MS LAURA ROBBINS| BSEd (Hons) (1st Class), MEd Leadership, MACEL Deputy Principal & Head of Campus - Middle and Senior Years Laura is the Deputy Principal/Head of Campus (Middle and Senior Years) of our Ashmore Rd Campus. In this role Laura works to support the Principal and Executive Team in strategic matters as well as oversee the Middle and Senior Years programs of the College. She has a deep passion for Lutheran Education - beginning her teaching career at Faith Lutheran College, Redlands and serving on several LEQ committees during her 17 years in Lutheran Education. Prior to commencing at Trinity, Laura was Head of Secondary School at LORDS Lutheran College. During her time at both LORDS and Faith, she has held a number of Pastoral Care leadership positions. Laura’s academic qualifications include a Bachelor of Secondary Education(Hons) (1st class) and a Master of Educational Leadership.
MR JOHN MCDIARMID | BSc(Appl. Econ.), GAICD, MFIA Chief Operating Officer John has broad experience, having worked in the private, government and not-for-profit sectors. Specialising in strategic planning, building stakeholder relationships and managing change for business improvement, John is using his 'numbers brain', people skills and technical knowledge at Trinity Lutheran College. John's early career included working as a financial analyst, economist and programmer for Thompson Reuters before moving into senior management roles with superannuation and financial planning companies. After a period of restructuring an aged care provider and an employment services provider, John then worked in executive positions within customer services, workers compensation and corporate service areas.
Trinity Lutheran College has an outstanding reputation in the Gold Coast community. The College focuses on building effective partnerships with parents to provide a comprehensive education of the highest quality, in an environment where a clear foundation of Christian values and care for each person are strongly emphasised.
Our Playgroup benefits both children and their parents, supporting the children's social development, easing the transition to school, and improving overall health, while also providing social and health support to parents, knowledge sharing, and learning opportunities.
Offer a safe and friendly environment for children to explore and learn
Build trusting relationships and support parents in their parenting role
Support a smooth transition for children into the early years of school
Offer a planned group time (eg. music, stories, puppets) that may include some religious elements
Provide morning tea for children and parents (no hot drinks for safety reasons)
Allow free play and exploration of the environment
Participate in new experiences and develop new skills
Develop and increase their social skills
Learn about sharing, co-operation and following simple routines
Have fun in a safe environment, with their parent/carer close by
Build foundations of language
Learn more about their world
Meet other families and build new friendships
Share experiences and ideas
Play with children and nurture their development
Have fun and relax
Our Playgroup will take a maximum of 20 children aged 1 – 5 years.
A Parent / adult carer must accompany and stay with the child.
Every Tuesday during the College Term time.
From 9:00am to 11:00am
In the Outside School Hours Care facility on the Cotlew Street Campus (park in the top carpark off Nerang-Southport Road)
Cost per session will be $5.00, or
Pay in advance per term for $30.00 (8-10 sessions)
A sunsafe hat
A drink bottle filled with water
Morning tea (fruit and a snack)
Sunscreen and insect repellent
A facilitator
If you have further questions, please contact us by calling or emailing the Director/Service Leader of the Early Learning Centre on 07 5556 8336 or 0438 171 410 or email elc.admin@tlc.qld.edu.au, or
Complete this Registration Form below
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Pastor Michael Alfson | Bachelor of Theology, Ordained 1981 Pastor Michael has been in full-time ministry since 1982, serving congregations in Chinchilla, Rochedale, Caboolture and is presently serving as the school pastor of Trinity Lutheran College. Michael has been the College Pastor at Trinity Luther- an College since 2003. Michael’s role includes advising college executives and community on spiritual and theological matters. He facilitates staff and students in their spiritual development, growth and formation; and oversees the wor- ship life of the college, whilst building an understanding and appreciation of Christian faith.
DR TSAE WONG | PhD, MEd, BSc, DipEd, MACEL, FAIM, AAICD Principal Tsae has been the Principal of Trinity Lutheran College since January 2014. She joined Trinity in 2010 as Deputy Head of College after holding several senior leadership positions including Director of Teaching and Learning (Senior School), Director of Teaching and Learning (P to Year 12) and Acting Head of Senior School, at St Hilda’s School (Southport) and John Paul College (Daisy Hill). Tsae has also taught Physics at Raffles Girls’ Secondary School in Singapore and Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School as a mid-career teacher. She completed her PhD in 2018. As Principal, Tsae is the chief executive of the college. She is appointed by the College Board, i.e. College Council, and reports to the Board as regards the proper conduct, management and discipline of the staff and students of the college.