Finding a career pathway in life is an important part of development as a young adult at Trinity. The journey starts in the Senior Years but continues through the remainder of their lives. Working out the best pathway for a student is not easy. As a student matures, and experiences life in a broader sense outside the school environment, interests and priorities will change. Moreover, ATAR scores do not define the student nor restrict their choices in life. There are so many pathways available.
The Careers Department offers a combination of future pathways guidance for Senior students including University and Vocational Education and Training. Throughout Year 12, students are supported in developing an awareness of their strengths, interests and skills, and where these can lead them. These include academic monitoring, mentoring and many meetings with families to discuss a range of ever-expanding options. Visiting institutions provide students with an array of information i.e., MediPrep, Vet Science, UQ Residential College, Gold Coast Trades College, and Defence Force Recruiting.
Presentations from numerous universities feature prominently throughout the Senior Years e.g., Southern Cross University, Australian Catholic University, Griffith University, TAFE Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, The University of Queensland, and Bond University are all on hand to assist and guide our students in making informed choices.
In addition, numerous alumni are welcomed back to the college and to give talks to students on their personal career journey, relating experiences on career/university life.
Our Trinity Lutheran College ‘Careers’ website, https://tlccareers.com.au/ also provides all the latest information helping students make decisions about their future career and life beyond school. Students can use this site to locate university, TAFE, and any other type of course across Australia, get information about the QCE, search for job vacancies and much more.
One of the aims of the Careers Department is also to empower students to do their own research, and to question and filter the information as to what is relevant to their world. The changing nature of the Australian workplace and workforce is often a discussion in the world of career specialists. Information coming out of QTAC (the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre) indicates how the role of the universities have had to adjust and reflect Australian society in the 21st century. Tertiary institutions have transformed and adapted to the needs of this generation whilst taking into account the needs of employers and governments. Differing and flexible pathways into universities have become talking points with many of our Senior students.
Even from a broader perspective, the Australian labour market is experiencing major shifts in employment opportunities. Many jobs have been eliminated through technology and use of robotics, resulting in uncertainty for students entering the workforce for the first time.
From a careers specialist’s perspective, students must start with research as they approach their Senior Years, and this research must be taken from all avenues, not just family and friends. In Year 10 students, are supported in identifying potential future pathways and senior subject choices through individual Senior Education and Training (SET) Plans. Preparation for these meetings proves very useful for students in clarifying their ideas about future pathways. Questions that Trinity students need to answer: Is a university pathway the right choice? Should I be looking at a trade or an internship? Do I take a break from study to experience the real world? These questions are not easy to answer and while the college and staff provide support and resources to our students, the final outcome rests with the student who has to reflect and ultimately make this decision.
The future of work is dynamic and exciting. New careers and ways of working are opening up as new technology is introduced, globalisation continues and we adjust to challenges like COVID-19. These changes continue to reshape the nature of work itself.
Teachers, career specialists, parents and carers need to understand these changes in order to help young people understand what the future of work could look like. By giving our students access to this information, they will be better prepared to make informed career decisions. This will not only help them to manage future risks, but also to maximise future opportunities.