At Trinity, we believe in offering a balanced and fulfilling education that enriches our students’ lives and education is not just about lessons within the four walls of a classroom. As opportunities for young people to access the natural environment are diminishing and technology is increasing their sedentary time, we believe we have a responsibility to give our students access to natural environments.
Trinity’s Outdoor Education Program enables our students to develop qualities like self-reliance, courage to take risks and responsibility for themselves and others. It also seeks to provide knowledge, skills and understanding in outdoor, personal, environmental and leadership education, to prepare students for the personal and social challenges of life. It endeavours to foster and value discovery supported by the college’s cultural values. Whilst being challenged mentally, socially and physically, students are also provided with the opportunity to further their appreciation of the natural environment.
Trinity offers a selection of camps from Year 3 onwards. Outdoor education supports Trinity’s goal of providing a holistic education that meets the academic, physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual needs of students. The college believes outdoor education is especially important, given the highly urbanised and technology-driven modern world in which our students live.
“I loved camp because I faced my fears when tree climbing. I wanted to stop halfway but I got to the top.” – Pippa, Year 3 2022
We arrived at school with the crisp morning air ready to greet us. With cheesy smiles and oversized trash bags, we were ready for what would prove to be an amazing, yet eventful week.
After what felt like a thousand years, we finally made it to this exciting campsite, and began emptying our black bags, discovering that we may have overpacked somewhat. Our cohort all struggled to hike the short distance to base with our huge, new, and improved bags (little did we know, that it would get a lot harder). Stuffing what felt like already overpacked bags with our tents, and meals for the next 24 hours, we were then set to start hiking.
Our group somehow ended up with the best campsite, pitched between 2 mountains, which protected us from what felt like a deadly wind. Later, after a short, yet muddy hike, we arrived at the first activity. Enthusiastic, we started high ropes. We were thoroughly enjoying ourselves until we saw someone ziplining in the bush next to us (at that point, we felt a bit jealous, but it did give us something to look forward to).
After a great time on the ropes, we headed back to camp where the girls prepared a delicious sausage curry, which felt well deserved after the long day. We also received a sweet surprise, chocolate damper, which satisfied my sweet tooth.
The rest of the camp trip was spent at the base, because of the unsafe weather conditions, but we all still had a great time participating in many enjoyable activities. Many of us conquered fears, met new peers, and really enjoyed the break from our busy lives.
Overall, it was a great experience, and I would most definitely recommend it.” – April, Year 8 2022
“Year 10 Camp was an opportunity to connect with many students and staff. We all relied on one another to overcome challenges. Our group related to one another very meaningfully throughout the week; creating friendships that can be relied on in the months and years ahead. This was demonstrated during evening mealtimes; with groups debriefing on the day’s activities. We reflected on our feelings in a supportive but light-hearted manner, about how successful we were at activities and came up with alternative approaches to benefit one another. Furthermore, with respect to fostering stronger connections, we took this advice on board, to later adapt back within our schooling and into early adulthood. Finally, we acknowledged the progress from the start of camp versus the end of camp. Many people were initially reluctant to engage in camp activities, whereas, by the end, people looked forward to participating together. Strangely, it was quite difficult to let go of the bonds that were so readily accessible to us throughout that week. These bonds and connections will be relied upon more deeply as we progress through the Senior Years.” – Benicio, Year 10 2022
“I will remember the bonds that were created, and the challenges faced that gave me valuable lessons in communication and working in groups of people I don’t know as well. These are lessons and skills I can take into the workplace and future relationships.” – Olivia, Year 12 2022
Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh program is offered at Trinity to encourage our students to challenge themselves through setting and achieving goals across a range of activities.
This internationally recognised scheme provides an opportunity for students to develop skills, display initiative and build self-esteem. It is highly regarded by university admissions officers, potential employers and the wider community.
The Award is an enriching program that invites young people between the ages of 14 and 25 to participate in a number of activities over a set length of time. Participation is voluntary and is structured so that participants can design a unique program centred on their own interests and passions.
There are three levels to the Award; Bronze, Silver and Gold, and each level of the award has four mandatory sections. Students commence with the Bronze award and it is our hope to see them progress through the levels to subsequently achieve their Silver and finally their Gold awards. In 2016 Anna Canton received notification of her completion of the Gold award! Anna completed all her work whilst at Trinity, so it was an incredibly proud moment for the College.
The Kokoda Challenge
“Kokoda teaches many things that are important – discipline, structure and boundaries. I always say to our Kokoda Kids, there are two guiding factors critical to life: work hard and make smart choices.” Executive Chairman Doug Henderson OAM.
The roots of the Kokoda Challenge events lie in the Kokoda Campaign of World War II, and the bravery and sacrifice our Australian Diggers displayed to hold off the Japanese invasion in Papua New Guinea. The part our heroes played almost certainly protected Australia from direct invasion. The main event, The Kokoda Challenge Gold Coast, is acknowledged as the toughest team endurance event in Australia. Teams of four tackle 96km (the distance of the Kokoda Track) through the Gold Coast hinterland within a time limit of 39 hours (in honour of the 39th Militia, who were the first Australian response unit at Kokoda).
The actual Kokoda challenge events combine all of Trinity’s core values of community, respect, service, and personal excellence. Participants strive to do their best and push themselves to their limits. They practice mate ship and resilience, and friendships grow stronger the further they walk and push each other. Photos of participants are taken throughout the event allowing them to reflect on their walk. Teams who complete the challenge are rewarded with medals, and an incredible sense of achievement.
In preparing for the Kokoda events each year, Mr Togher organises groups hikes over the weekends leading up to the events which include venturing out into the hinterland and exploring some of the amazing trails, starting with some easier ones at Burleigh National Park and The Spit and then advancing to more challenging trails at Springbrook, Binna Burra, and Nerang.
In 2021 we had a team of 3 students (all in Year 12!) complete the 96km.
“Having previously completed both the Brisbane 15km and the Gold Coast 48km Kokoda Challenge (twice), I set a goal of participating in the Gold Coast 96km event in Year 11 in 2020. Sadly, this event was cancelled due to COVID so, despite our busy Year 12 calendar of events, my teammates, Amber and Fletcher, and I decided 2021 would be the year. As the weekend drew near, we organised our parents as support crew and set our team goals: give it a go, keep moving, stay together and finish together.
Standing at the start line on Saturday morning, with perfect walking weather, we felt both nervous and excited. The playing of the Last Post reminded us of those who fought for the freedoms we have today, of how lucky we were to be able to participate in the Kokoda event, and of the courage, mateship, strength shown, and the sacrifice made. Throughout the day we climbed. hill after hill, mountain after mountain, up and down. We laughed, we cried, and we complained, but we kept walking. Day became night, the wind howled, and it was freezing. Our support crew were like angels! The hot food and drinks, re-strapping and band aiding, and their energy and support buoyed us long after we left them, and the thought of seeing them again got us to the next checkpoint. It was hard walking through the night. We were tired and cold, but we kept each other going and did not stop. The beautiful sunrise gave us a boost, as did breakfast with our support crew.
The last kilometres were tough! We had to dig deep, as we were all physically very tired and sore. Our feet, toes and legs wanted us to stop, and we had to find our inner strength. The mental challenge of the event is the hardest part. Don’t give up! We supported each other through our tough times, our mateship strong, the Kokoda spirit with us.
The Kokoda 96km challenged me like nothing I have done before and crossing the finish line, all of us together, with family and friends cheering us on and receiving our dog tags from Veterans was indescribable! Something I will never forget!
I am sure the other Trinity teams who participated in Kokoda events had wonderful experiences too and I congratulate them on their Kokoda Challenge achievement.
A big thank you to family and friends for their fundraising donations, parents for their support, teachers, Mr Togher for organising again this year and to everyone in the Trinity community for their support. Doing the Kokoda Challenge has given me so much both personally and as part of a team. I encourage other students and parents to give it a go; the bushwalking, beautiful scenery, and the experience, make it worth every step!” – Tabitha, Year 12, 2021
In 2022, we had students participate in the Gold Coast 18km and 48 km events. Others travelled to Brookfield and the D’Aguilar National Park for the Brisbane 30km event. We had one team complete the 48km challenge in the best time by a Trinity team to date – 10 hours and 36 minutes.
Overall, Kokoda is a wonderful experience and something that all students should try at least once during their schooling career, whether it be 15km, 18km, 48km, or the 96km event… Kokoda has something to offer for everyone.
The Snow Trip
Trinity conducts an annual Snow Trip during the June/July school holidays which is open to all students from Year 7 through to Year 12 when snow is generally at its best. It was wonderful to re-introduce this trip in 2022 after a couple of years hiatus when COVID restrictions proscribed it.
The Trinity Snow Tour has been the highlight of my time at the college. Skiing and snowboarding alongside friends were awesome experiences I never thought I’d have in high school, and I’d highly recommend anyone who’s interested to give it ago. Having the liberty to explore the mountain on your own and to ski wherever you and your friends want is something everyone should have the chance to try. For the 16-hour bus drive down, I’d certainly advise wearing something warm and comfy, and to pack a pillow. The accommodation was good, and sharing a cabin with mates was a blast, although I’d recommend packing some earplugs! Ultimately it was well worth the lengthy bus trip down to Jindabyne, and the only issue you’ll have by the end of the trip is that you weren’t there for longer. – Harrison, Year 11 2022
The 2022 Snow trip was an amazing experience that I believe every Trinity student should attend sometime during their schooling experience. I myself had never been to the snow before, and I’m glad I got to see it for the first time with Trinity. We had 6 jam-packed days of skiing with each day having a 3-hour lesson, and then an extra 3-hour free skiing on top of that. I was in awe of the snow and wished we had another week to enjoy more runs down the slopes. The many memories and friendships I made on the trip with other students within the school is something I will cherish forever. The Snow Trip is something I would recommend to every student at Trinity. – Peyton, Year 11 2022